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strip - in Villa Arson Nice

strip - images in line 
curated by Rolf Bier

31.5.2011 19h 

20 avenue Stephen Liégeard, 06105 Nice Cedex 2

participating artists

Silvia Bächli (CH)    
Stephan Banz (CH) 
Margrét H. Blöndal (IS)
Rolf Bier (D)
Delphine Courtillot (F)  
Stefan Ettlinger (D) 
Maria Finn  (S) 
Michel François (B)
Hlynur Hallsson (IS)  
Yoshiaki Kaihatsu (J)  
Abigail Lazkoz (E) 
Jochen Lempert (D)
Jonathan Monk (GB)
Michal Moravcik (SK)
Yves Netzhammer (CH) 
Christian Nolting (D)
Kay Nyborg (DK) 
Serge Onnen (NL) 
Carl Ostendarp (USA) 
Cecil Paris (F) 
Iván Peréz (E)
Dominique Petitgand (F)
Peter Piller (D)
David Reed (USA)  
Alexander Roob (D)  
Julia Schmid (D)
David Shrigley (GB)
Casper Stracke (USA/D)
Bernhard Volk (D)  
Corinne Wasmuht (D) 
Lawrence Weiner (USA)  
Jürgen Witte (D)

strip -  images in line - a project curated by German artist  R o l f   B i  e r - is about  s e q u e n c e s  as an yet undiscovered artistic format. The screening at Villa Arson will show a selection of more than 30 sequences by international artists, taken from "striparchive" , an ongoing collection of artists´sequences. It includes slide-projection as well as beamer-projection.

"strip" itself doesn´t  focuses on movies, even if the concept borders exactly the point where single images are not quite single images anymore and than still not film yet. single images are just simply shown i n  t i m e. 

Moreso strip deals with the question how images are created at all and how continuous perception and our memory are interacting.

strip - venues Kunstverein Hannover, Künstlerbund Berlin, Kunsthaus Baselland (CH), Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, Overgaden/Kopenhagen etc.

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