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Bloggfćrslur mánađarins, janúar 2014

Fresh Winds in Garđur


From 21. December 2013 til January 26. 2014, the International Art Festival Fresh Winds in Gardur will be held for the third time in Iceland. The theme of the Festival this year is “vastness”, under the artistic direction of Mireya Samper. The landscape surrounding the fishing village of Gardur, made of lava fields and pastures, is open to winds from the Atlantic ocean, from the north, south, and west. This is the ideal place to watch the midnight sun.

Fresh Winds in Gardur is a unique event in the country: dozens of artists from various disciplines and nationalities are invited to Gardur residence to be directly inspired by nature, the region and its people and leave their marks under the shaped creations. During the five weeks of residence, the artists will share their knowledge and their artistic expertise, in all kind of media and in their own way. The period will be filled with events such as presentations of the artists and their work, concerts, film screenings, performances, panel discussions, etc… These events will be open to the public the whole time.

The aim of the festival is to create an environment of art as a new expression and create new bonds of friendship between the Icelandic and foreign artists. In other words, share and learn from each other, work and exhibit together, while being in direct contact with the villagers. This may be through a direct collaboration of artistic creation or by conferences or other forms of teaching or contributions to the life of the local school. The aim of the festival is to address the entire community and invite them to participate.

The result of these five weeks of residence will be visible in the form of exhibitions, installations, concerts, inside and outside at Gardur. The festival will open with a vernissage the 18 January 2014.

The project receives support from the host municipality Gardur, the Icelandic Ministry of Education and Culture, and numerous sponsors. Fresh Winds in Gardur are under the protection of the first lady of Iceland, Dorrit Moussaieff.

Artists: Hiroshi Egami K. Schnappenburg - Lionel Guibout - Andrzej Wisniewski - Almuth Baumfalk - Pascale Peyret - Fred Martin - Asri Sayrac - Einar Garibaldi Eiriksson - Leslie Greene - OZ - Uta Heinecke - Eve Kask - Tomoo Nagai - Naomi Greene - Danielle Loisel - Hlynur Hallsson - Klaus Pfeiffer - Julia Vaidisbogard - Yasuyo Iso - Mahé Boissel - Zilvinas Balkevicius - Víđir Mýrmann - Sakura Egami - Armando Gomez Martinez - Miyuki Kido - Asra Rán Björt - Claire De Monclin - Samuel Guibout & Alexandre Ayed - Georg Olsen - Mikio Kawasaki - Istvan Nayg - Antonio Gallego - Anna Sigríđur Sigurjónsdóttir - TOM MANOURY & FRANCOIS KAH - Guđmundur Magnússon - Martial Acquarone - Sae Kaneko - Clare Whistler - Sung-Baeg - Lap Yip - Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson - Mireya Samper - Anna Kaarma.

Homepage: fresh-winds.com

Fresh Winds on facebook

Hlynur Hallsson

Hlynur Hallsson

Myndlistarmaður, umhverfisverndarsinni og sennilega margt fleira. Nánari upplýsingar hér.



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