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Færsluflokkur: Utanríkismál/alþjóðamál

Þetta er það - Das ist es - This is it


Hlynur Hallsson

Þetta er það - Das ist es – This is it

17.10 - 19.12.2015

Kuckei + Kuckei
Linienstr. 158
D - 10115 Berlin
phone:  +49 (30) 883 43 54

Language and communication play an essential role in Hlynur Hallssons’ works. But despite this, Þetta er það – Das ist es – This is it – is the first exhibition which he composed solely from textual works. In the conceptual and purposeful multilingualism of his works, he confronts himself not only with the semantic difficulties of communication surrounding the work of art, but also with the cultural preconditions of – and multifarious opportunities for – interpretation. From the start, the exhibition title betrays the fact that the multi-layering of language and the shifts in transferring language are main foci of interest in his debate with text. This can also be interpreted as an expression of his way of living in a globalised internationality.
The first of his trilingual spray-works arose in the year 2002 for an exhibition in Charlottenborg/Copenhagen. In these, Hallsson united elements of text, statements and the fleetingness of modern-day art. His reciprocal multilingualism does not represent a mere translation, however, but rather – in this case – with a discursive entree with a cultural difference: Islandic – the artist’s mother tongue – stands for every original human language. German may well be considered vicarious for all elaborated languages of the “poet and thinker”. And in any case, there is no way round the international lingua franca of English: the global lingua franca per se. The fleetingness of the works is achieved, on the one hand, by using spray paint – a material that has been dismissed for quite some time as having no artistic expression whatsoever. And, on the other hand, by the fact that, in every exhibition gallery, space must be found for the New. Nothing really endures in the halls of the art galleries; all works find themselves in a constant flow and drift from one place to another, whilst some pass away, only to be resurrected elsewhere.
When he occupies himself with the subject of “the word as image”, he shows his exhibition Þetta er það – Das ist es – This is it, a work that apparently deals with the basis of written language. His alphabet of the Islandic language consists of 32 characters and unites the familiar with the alien. The familiar characters offer the viewer the sense of recognition, while the unknown letters bear within themselves the promise of something new. The work is like an invitation to grasp both the origin and the home of these symbols. It is a return to the very core of things, comparable with his earlier photo-text works, which serve in places as a fragmented diary and, at the same time, as their antithesis. Here, too, Hallsson uses spray paint to emphasise the element of transience.



Fresh Winds in Garður


From 21. December 2013 til January 26. 2014, the International Art Festival Fresh Winds in Gardur will be held for the third time in Iceland. The theme of the Festival this year is “vastness”, under the artistic direction of Mireya Samper. The landscape surrounding the fishing village of Gardur, made of lava fields and pastures, is open to winds from the Atlantic ocean, from the north, south, and west. This is the ideal place to watch the midnight sun.

Fresh Winds in Gardur is a unique event in the country: dozens of artists from various disciplines and nationalities are invited to Gardur residence to be directly inspired by nature, the region and its people and leave their marks under the shaped creations. During the five weeks of residence, the artists will share their knowledge and their artistic expertise, in all kind of media and in their own way. The period will be filled with events such as presentations of the artists and their work, concerts, film screenings, performances, panel discussions, etc… These events will be open to the public the whole time.

The aim of the festival is to create an environment of art as a new expression and create new bonds of friendship between the Icelandic and foreign artists. In other words, share and learn from each other, work and exhibit together, while being in direct contact with the villagers. This may be through a direct collaboration of artistic creation or by conferences or other forms of teaching or contributions to the life of the local school. The aim of the festival is to address the entire community and invite them to participate.

The result of these five weeks of residence will be visible in the form of exhibitions, installations, concerts, inside and outside at Gardur. The festival will open with a vernissage the 18 January 2014.

The project receives support from the host municipality Gardur, the Icelandic Ministry of Education and Culture, and numerous sponsors. Fresh Winds in Gardur are under the protection of the first lady of Iceland, Dorrit Moussaieff.

Artists: Hiroshi Egami K. Schnappenburg - Lionel Guibout - Andrzej Wisniewski - Almuth Baumfalk - Pascale Peyret - Fred Martin - Asri Sayrac - Einar Garibaldi Eiriksson - Leslie Greene - OZ - Uta Heinecke - Eve Kask - Tomoo Nagai - Naomi Greene - Danielle Loisel - Hlynur Hallsson - Klaus Pfeiffer - Julia Vaidisbogard - Yasuyo Iso - Mahé Boissel - Zilvinas Balkevicius - Víðir Mýrmann - Sakura Egami - Armando Gomez Martinez - Miyuki Kido - Asra Rán Björt - Claire De Monclin - Samuel Guibout & Alexandre Ayed - Georg Olsen - Mikio Kawasaki - Istvan Nayg - Antonio Gallego - Anna Sigríður Sigurjónsdóttir - TOM MANOURY & FRANCOIS KAH - Guðmundur Magnússon - Martial Acquarone - Sae Kaneko - Clare Whistler - Sung-Baeg - Lap Yip - Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson - Mireya Samper - Anna Kaarma.

Homepage: fresh-winds.com

Fresh Winds on facebook

Correlation at Halle50 in Munich



Þórarinn Blöndal, Hlynur Hallsson, Jóna Hlíf Halldórsdóttir, Arna Valsdóttir, Gústav Geir Bollason, Veronique Legros, Aðalheiður S. Eysteinsdóttir, Arnar Ómarsson, Hanna Hlíf Bjarnadóttir.

30.05. - 09.06.2013

Domagkstr. 33
Städtisches Atelierhaus 50
D-80807 Munich
M. +49(0)172 8911950 or (0)172 418 46 59

Wed, 29th May 2013
7 pm /

Opening hours : Fri., Sat. and Sun.: 3 – 6 pm and by appointment

First things first in Munich in May


First things first

29.05. - 09.06.2013

Klenzestraße 4
D-80469 Munich
T. +49 (0)89 41 15 06 45
M. +49 (0)160 90 25 56 49

Þórarinn Blöndal, Hlynur Hallsson, Jóna Hlíf Halldórsdóttir, Arna Valsdóttir, Gústav Geir Bollason, Veronique Legros, Aðalheiður S. Eysteinsdóttir, Arnar Ómarsson, Hanna Hlíf Bjarnadóttir.

Opening: Tue., 28th May 2013, 7 pm

Opening hours : Fri., Sat. and Sun.: 3 – 6 pm and by appointment

Rennandi vatn og fleiri ný verk í Populus tremula


Hlynur Hallsson
Rennandi vatn og fleiri ný verk
09.03. - 10.03. 2013
Populus Tremula, Kaupvangsstræti 12, 600 Akureyri

Hlynur Hallsson opnar sýninguna Rennandi vatn og fleiri ný verk í Populus tremula laugardaginn 9. mars kl. 14. Hann sýnir hér eins og nafnið gefur til kynna nokkur ný verk sem ekki hafa verið sýnd áður. Þetta er myndband, ljósmynd og spreyjaðir textar.

Hlynur Hallsson er fæddur á Akureyri 1968. Hann stundaði myndlistarnám á Akureyri, í Reykjavík, Hannover, Hamborg og í Düsseldorf. Hann hefur verið nokkuð iðinn við að setja upp sýningar og á síðasta ári tók hann þátt í sýningunni Lókal - Glóbal í Listasafninu á Akureyri sem Hlynur Helgason stýrði í tilefni af 150 ára afmæli Akureyrarbæjar og einnig sýningunni Sjálfstætt fólk ásamt Jónu Hlíf Halldórsdóttur á Listahátíð í Reykjavík í Hafnarhúsi Listasafns Reykjavíkur undir stjórn Jonatans Habib Engqvist. Hlynur gaf út bókina MYNDIR - BILDER - PICTURES árið 2011 með 33 ljósmynda- textaverkum. Hann hefur einnig verið sýningarstjóri fjölda sýninga eins og TEXT sem sett var upp hjá Kuckei+Kuckei í Berlín haustið 2011. Hann var einnig meðal stofnenda Verksmiðjunnar á Hjalteyri þar sem settar hafa verið upp sýningar síðustu ár. Hlynur er listrænn ráðgjafi hjá Flóru á Akureyri.
Hlynur hlaut verðlaun Kunstverein Hannover 1997, verðlaun ungra myndlistarmanna í Neðra-Saxlandi 2001 og verðlaun Sparda Bank árið 2006. Hann hefur nokkrum sinnum hlotið starfslaun myndlistarmanna og var bæjarlistarmaður Akureyrar árið 2005. Hlynur vinnur með aðstæður, texta, innsetningar, ljósmyndir, gjörninga og hvað eina, allt eftir því sem hentar í hverju tilfelli. Hversdagslegir atburðir eins og sundferðir, fjallganga eða verslunarleiðangur geta verið efniviður í verkum hans en einnig landmæri, samskipti fólks og viðhorf okkar. Nánari upplýsingar um Hlyn og verk hans er að finna á heimsíðunni hallsson.de og einnig á bloggsíðunni hlynur.is

Populus Tremula hefur verið starfrækt í Listagilinu á Akureyri frá árinu 2004 og hefur staðið fyrir fjölmörgum menningarviðburðum svo sem sýningum, upplestrum og tónleikum í gegnum árin. Nánari upplýsingar um Populus tremula er að finna á poptrem.blogspot.com

Sýningin verður einnig opin sunnudaginn 10. mars frá kl. 14.00-17.00. Aðeins þessi eina helgi.
Menningarráð Eyþings og Ásprent eru styrktaraðilar Populus Temula.




GalleríBOX / Salur Myndlistarfélagsins / 04.08. - 19.08.2012 / Kaupvangsstræti 10 /
600 Akureyri  http://www.galleribox.blogspot.com
Opnun laugardaginn 4. ágúst kl. 14 / Opið lau. - sun. 14-17

Verksmiðjan á Hjalteyri / 04.08. - 26.08.2012 / Neðst á Hjalteyri við Eyjafjörð / 601 Akureyri  http://www.verksmidjan.blogspot.com
Opnun laugardaginn 4. ágúst kl. 17 / Opið til 12.08. alla daga 14-17 og eftir það lau. - sun. 14-17

Thomas Thiede vinnur verk í samstarfi við Húðflúrstofu Norðurlands: http://hudflur.net sem einnig sjá má hér http://www.skin-drawings.blogspot.com

Sýningarstjórar: Hlynur Hallsson, Beate Engl, Thomas Thiede og Alexander Steig

Verkefnið COLLABORATION_ (SAMSTARF_) www.collaboration-project.de var sett saman árið 2008 af listamönnum frá München í Þýskalandi undir stjórn Thomasar Thiede. Það byggir á því að kynna listamenn frá München á alþjóðlegum vettvangi og koma á samstarfi við aðra listamenn víðsvegar um heim. Sýningarnar COLLABORATION_5 / SAMSTARF_5 verða settar upp í GalleríBOXi / Sal Myndlistarfélagsins og í Verksmiðjunni á Hjalteyri. Á þessum sýningum gefur að líta verk sem eru sérstaklega eru gerð fyrir þessa ólíku sýningarstaði með aðstoð íslenskra listamanna. Samstarf og samvinna eru mikilvægir þættir í vinnu listamannanna.

Sýningarnar verða báðar opnaðar laugardaginn 4. ágúst 2012, kl. 14 í GalleríBOXi / Sal Myndlistarfélagsins í Listagilinu á Akureyri og kl. 17 í Verksmiðjunni á Hjalteyri.

Koma listamannanna og sýningarnar eru styrktar af Sendiráði Þýskalands í Reykjavík, Menningarráði Eyþings, Stiftung Federkiel, Landeshauptstadt München Kulturreferat, Hörgárbyggð, Ásprent og Procar.

Nánari upplýsingar veitir Hlynur Hallsson í hlynur(hjá)gmx.net og síma 659 4744.

GalleríBOX / Salur Myndlistarfélagsins
Kaupvangsstræti 10, 600 Akureyri

Verksmiðjan á Hjalteyri
Neðst á Hjalteyri við Eyjafjörð



GalleríBOX / Salur Myndlistarfélagsins / 04.08. - 19.08.2012 / Kaupvangsstræti 10 /
IS-600 Akureyri  http://www.galleribox.blogspot.com
Eröffnung am 4. August um 14 Uhr / Geöffnet Samstags und Sonntags 14-17 Uhr.

Verksmiðjan á Hjalteyri / 04.08. - 26.08.2012 / In Hjalteyri bei Eyjafjordur / IS-601 Akureyri  
Eröffnung am 4. August um 17 Uhr / Geöffnet jeden Tag 14-17 Uhr bis zum 12.08. und danach bis zum 26.08 Samstags und Sonntags 14-17 Uhr.

Das freie Projekt COLLABORATION_ www.collaboration-project.de wurde von Münchner Künstlern unter Leitung von Thomas Thiede 2008 initiiert und präsentiert künstlerische Positionen aus München national sowie international und lädt im Austausch nationale sowie internationale Positionen nach München ein. Die Ausstellungsserie COLLABORATION_ 5 wird in der Galleri BOX in Akureyri und in Verksmidjan in Hjalteyri Arbeiten zeigen, die speziell für diese Orte entwickelt und mit Unterstützung der isländischen Kollegen ihre Umsetzung finden werden.
Satellit: Húdflúrstofa Nordurlands, Gránufélagsgata 4 (JMJ Húsið 2.Hæð), IS-600 Akureyri www.hudflur.net + www.skin-drawings.blogspot.com

Kuratiert von Hlynur Hallsson, Beate Engl, Thomas Thiede und Alexander Steig.
Kind support: Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Reykjavik, Menningarráð Eyþings, Stiftung Federkiel, Landeshauptstadt München Kulturreferat und Hörgársveit.
Additional support: Ásprent und Procar.



GalleríBOX / 04.08. - 19.08.2012 / Kaupvangsstraeti 10 / IS-600 Akureyri  
Opening on Saturday August 4th at 2 pm / Open Sat. - Sun. 2 pm - 5 pm

Verksmiðjan á Hjalteyri / 04.08. - 26.08.2012 / Hjalteyri by Eyjafjordur / IS-601 Akureyri  
Opening on Saturday August 4th at 5 pm / Open all days 2 pm - 5 pm until and until 26.08. Sat. - Sun. 2 pm - 5 pm

The project COLLABORATION www.collaboration-project.de was initiated by seven German artists grouped around Thomas Thiede. The main feature of the project is a collaboration of artists who in various conditions of new environments - either artistic or geographical - create site specific works referring to a specific character of particular places. Collaboration among artists or with other art collectives is a key element in the project. The exhibition COLLABORATION_5 at Galleri BOX in Akureyri and Veksmidjan in Hjalteyri will show pieces of work specially done for this very places.
Satellite: Húðflúrstofa Norðurlands, Gránufélagsgata 4 (JMJ Húsið 2.Hæð), IS 600 Akureyri www.hudflur.net + www.skin-drawings.blogspot.com

Curators: Hlynur Hallsson, Beate Engl, Thomas Thiede and Alexander Steig.
Kind support by: Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Reykjavik, Menningarráð Eyþings, Stiftung Federkiel, Landeshauptstadt München Kulturreferat und Hörgársveit.
Additional support: Ásprent und Procar.

"Sjálfstætt fólk" opnar í Listasafni Reykjavíkur - Hafnarhúsi


Listasafn Reykjavíkur – Hafnarhús er einn helsti vettvangur samstarfsverkefnisins „Sjálfstætt fólk“ sem hefst formlega laugardaginn 19. maí. Verkefnið hverfist um samstarf í samtímamyndlist en þátttakendur eru myndlistarmenn frá öllum Norðurlöndunum, Eystrasaltslöndunum, Bretlandi, Frakklandi, Bandaríkjunum og víðar.

Sýningarstjóri er listheimspekingurinn og rithöfundurinn Jonatan Habib Engqvist, sem er kunnur fyrir aðkomu sína að fjölmörgum alþjóðlegum sýningum og verkefnum undanfarin ár. Verkefnið er unnið í samvinnu við Kynningarmiðstöð íslenskrar myndlistar og er á dagskrá Listahátíðar í Reykjavík 2012. Helsti styrktaraðili verkefnisins er Nordic Culture Point.

Í Hafnarhúsinu verða eftirfarandi listamannateymi kynnt: Gjörningaklúbburinn, Elin Strand Ruin & The New Beauty Council, Goksøyr & Martens, Raflost & Steina, Kling & Bang, Hlynur Hallsson & Jóna Hlíf Halldórsdóttir, Nomeda & Gediminas Urbonas + 4.333 The Leyline Project (Steingrímur Eyfjörð & Ulrika Sparre), Institutt for Degenerert Kunst, Útúrdúr og Anonymous.

Nánari upplýsingar um efnistök listamannanna má finna á www.listasafnreykjavikur.is.

Aðra dagskrá tengda sýningu Listasafns Reykjavíkur á „Sjálfstæðu fólki“ er að finna á www.listasafnreykjavikur.is.

Sjá nánar um heildarverkefnið á www.independentpeople.is.



A part of our project at the exhibition (I)ndipendent People at Reykjavík Art Festival will be to publish BLATT BLAÐ number 60. The Reykjavík Art Museum will publish 500 copies of the magazine and we have invited 110 artists to participate in the magazine.


BLATT BLAÐ was founded in 1994. It is made in the way that “Magazin for everything” by Dieter Roth published for years. Everyone can publish in the paper. Each author gets one example for his contribution.

The artist´s are:

Adri Galindo Rami / Aðalheiður S. Eysteinsdóttir / Aðalsteinn Þórsson / Alex Gross / Alexander Steig / Andreas Jari Juhani Toriseva / Arnar Ómarsson / Ásmundur Ásmundsson / Benoit Blein / Claus Kienle / Dodda Maggý / Edda Þórey Kristfinnsdóttir / Egill Logi Jónasson / Elín Anna Þórisdóttir / Elísabet Brynhildardóttir / Elisabet Olka / Emmet Kierans / Erica Eyres / Eugene Jho / Frauke Hänke / Freya Steadman / Gabriel Jones / Gauthier Hubert / Guðjón Sigurður Tryggvason / Gudný Rósa Ingimarsdóttir / Guðný Rúnarsdóttir / Gunnar Helgi Guðjónsson / Gunnar Kristinsson / Gunnar Már Pétursson / Gunnhildur Þórðardóttir / Habby Osk / Halldór Úlfarsson / Hannah Kasper / Hannes Malte Mahler / Haraldur Jónsson / Helena Aðalsteinsdóttir / Helena Hansdóttir / Helga Óskarsdóttir / Hlynur Hallsson / Hrafnhildur Halldórsdóttir / Hugi Hlynsson / Huginn Þór Arason / Hugsteypan / Indíana Auðunsdóttir / Ingirafn Steinarsson / James Carl / Jeannette Castioni / Jim Colquhoun / Jón Laxdal Halldórsson / Jón B. K. Ransu / Jóna Hlíf Halldórsdóttir / Joris Rademaker / Julia Hartmann / Júlía Runólfsdóttir / Julia Schmid / Jürgen Witte / Kaj Nyborg / Kari Vehosalo / Karin Sander / Karlotta J. Blöndal / KartenrechtKatie McGown / Katrín I Jónsd. Hjördísardóttir / Katrín Dögg Valsdóttir / Knut EcksteinKristina Bengtsson / Libia Castro & Ólafur Ólafsson / Magnea Ásmunds / Maj Hasager / Margrét H. Blöndal / María Kjartans / Mark Briggs / Michael Göbel / Nikola Röthemeyer / Ninaliba Gersemi / Ólöf Helga Helgadóttir / Ómar Smári Kristinsson / Pálína Guðmundsdóttir / Piet Trantel / Raabe/StephanRaquel Mendes / Robert Knoke / Rolf Bier / Rüdiger StankoRuth Barker / Sabine Öllerer / Sara Riel / Scott Rogers / Selma Hreggviðsdóttir / Snorri Ásmundsson / Sonja Lotta Forster / Sophie Roube / Steinunn Helga Sigurðardóttir / Sukyun & InsookThomas Gunnar Bagge / Tumi Magnússon / Ulrike Schoeller / Unnar Örn / Ville-Veikko Viikilä / Volker Troche / Yst / Yuen Fong Ling / Þóra Sigurðardóttir / Þóranna Dögg Björnsdóttir / Þórarinn Blöndal / Þóroddur Bjarnason / Þórunn Eymundardóttir / Þorvaldur Þorsteinsson

(I)ndependent People at Reykjavík Art Festival


Reykjavík Arts Festival announces Visual Arts Program for 2012:
(I)ndependent People
Collaborations and Artist Initiatives

-Opening weekend 18 – 21 May 2012
-Seminar May 20
-Many exhibitions will run throughout the summer
-Follow the project on: www.independentpeople.is

Reykjavík Arts Festival 2012 announces (I)ndependent People, a large-scale collaborative international visual arts project that will involve many of Reykjavík’s exhibition spaces, museums, galleries and public space during the festival season and throughout the summer. Focusing on contemporary visual art from the Nordic and Baltic countries, (I)ndependent People asks if and how collaboration can operate in continual negotiation between contesting ideas and desires, yet allowing unplanned and transformative action. All participating artists are engaged in established or temporary joint ventures. These artist-collectives, partnerships, collaborative workshops and exchanges serve as a dynamic investigation of artistic subjectivity and authorship.

The extensive project brings together 29 artist-collectives with the collaboration of over 100 participants. (I)ndependent People is curated by Swedish curator and theorist Jonatan Habib Engqvist and made possible through exchange and collaborative undertakings between a cluster of museums, galleries, artist-run spaces and institutions. Venues include Reykjavík Art Museum, The National Gallery of Iceland, The Nordic House, Kling & Bang, The Living Art Museum, The Icelandic Sculpture Association and ASÍ Art Museum, together with public space in Reykjavík and off-site events. Saturday May 19 will be dedicated to openings of the exhibitions with receptions and events at the venues from morning to evening and Sunday May 20 will host an international seminar.

Central to the exhibitions is the balancing act of remaining between controlling structures, formalising agreements, constituting norms and allowing change. Several projects will be realised during the course of the exhibitions, some with uncertain results. “By putting the ‘I’ in parenthesis and giving up the authorship of a singular artistic Subject, a specific uncertainty is created and another, hybrid identity is made possible. The in-between of such collaboration can become a site for social and cultural change. This temporary in-between space created in Reykjavík will serve as a platform for ideas yet to be imagined, examined and constructed. It’s a position that can be portrayed as ambiguous and indefinable, but these very qualities often make contemporary art worth putting our hopes to.” says curator Jonatan Habib Engqvist.

Participating artists groups are: 1857 – A kassen – Anonymous – AIM Europe – Box – Endemi – Goksøyr & Martens – IC98 – The Icelandic Love Corporation – Institut før Degeneret Kunst – Jóna Hlíf Halldórsdóttir & Hlynur Hallsson – Kling & Bang – Learning Site & Jaime Stapleton – M.E.E.H. – Nomeda & Gediminas Urbonas + MIT 4.333 – Melissa Dubbin & Aaron S. Davidsson – No Gods No Parents (UKS) – NÝLÓ & Archive of Artist Run Initiatives – Raflost & Steina – Sofia Hultén & Ivan Seal – Superflex – The Artist Formerly Known as Geist – The Awareness Muscle Team – The Leyline Project – The New Beauty Council with Elin Strand Ruin, Mariana Alves & Katarina Bonnevier – Útidúr – Wooloo.


A historical core serves as a common point of reference for the exhibitions. Local trajectories of collaborative and artist-initiated practices from the region reaching over 40 years serve as background to questions such as: Do we share common, “alternative” histories in the Nordic region? Is it relevant to peruse them? How have the networks changed over time? Is it possible, desirable, to create dynamic and sustainable collaboration? These questions, and more will be addressed in a seminar on May 20 in the Nordic House with, among others, Lars Bang Larsen, Jon Proppe, Signal and participating artists.

Exhibition venues are Reykjavík Art Museum, The National Gallery of Iceland, The Nordic House, Kling & Bang, The Living Art Museum, The Icelandic Sculpture Association, ASÍ Art Museum and public space in downtown Reykjavík. In addition, several independent projects are participating, including HORIZONIC, curated by Ásdís Ólafsdóttir in LA Art Museum; a two-man show curated by Chris Fite-Wassilak in i8 gallery; and a project by Art in Translation. A real-time video of the twelve hour performance “Bliss” by Ragnar Kjartansson and a large group of collaborators will be installed in the National Theatre of Iceland.

After successful Festivals in 2005 and 2008 with focus on visual arts, curated by Jessica Morgan and Björn Roth (2005) and Hans Ulrich Obrist and Ólafur Elíasson (2008), the visual arts program of this year’s Festival is produced in collaboration between The Reykjavík Arts Festival, Reykjavík Art Museum, The National Gallery of Iceland, The Nordic House, The Living Art Museum and The Icelandic Art Center. The collaboration has been expanded further to include Art Nord, Endemi, EDDA Center of Excellence, Kling & Bang, The Icelandic Sculpture Association, SÍM – Association of Icelandic Visual Artists, Reykjavík University, The Iceland Academy of Arts, MIT Boston, Torpedo Press and Art in Translation.

Most of the exhibitions will be on view through July/August. A complete program of all Reykjavík Arts Festival 2012 events, including concerts, theatre, literature, dance and visual arts, will be announced April 12, 2012 on www.artfest.is and www.independentpeople.is.

About the Reykjavík Arts Festival
The Reykjavík Arts Festival is one of the oldest and most respected arts festivals in Northern Europe. The festival is recognized as a premiere venue for outstanding acts in music, theatre, dance, and literature as well in the contemporary visual arts. In its 40-year-old history, the festival has hosted many outstanding international artists and performers. The atmosphere of the Reykjavík Arts Festival it truly unique and brings joy and inspiration to Iceland’s residents and guests each year in May.

About the curator
With a background in philosophy, architectural and aesthetic theory, Jonatan Habib Engqvist is a Swedish curator, writer, editor and lecturer. Engqvist has been engaged in several international interdisciplinary and collective projects. He has recently curated exhibitions at the Prince of Wales Museum in Bombay, India; Konsthall C in Stockholm and Färgfabriken in Stockholm and Östersund. Since 2009 Engqvist is part of the Artistic Research project Thinking through painting. He is particularly interested in art, architecture and the relationship between the studio and the exhibition space. He is editor in mischief at tsnoK.se and was co-founder and co-curator of the experimental program in The Studio at Moderna Museet with Camilla Carlberg and Lena Malm. With Maria Lantz he co-edited and translated the book Dharavi: Documenting Informalities. Wngqvist has previously been employed at Moderna Museet, Södertörn University, The Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm and is currently on sabatical leave from his position at Iaspis – The Swedish Arts Grants Committee’s International Programme for Visual Artists.
The project is supported by Nordic Culture Point, Nordic Culture Fund, OCA, The Danish Arts Council, FRAME, HIAP, Konrad Fischer Galerie, Swedish Embassy in Iceland, The Public Buildings Art Fund in Iceland. Parts of the project by Melissa Dubbin & Aaron S Davidson are produced in collaboration between The Living Art Museum and Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Norway.

The curator will be present in the Nordic Lounge at the Armory Show 2012 with a selection of publications by the participants.

Media Contact:
For further information, interviews and images, please refer to the following contacts:

Dorothée Kirch
Icelandic Art Center
+ 354 690 49 60

Kristín Scheving
Reykjavík Arts Festival
+354 845 38 05


TEXT hjá Kuckei + Kuckei í Berlín


Libia Castro / Ólafur Ólafsson, ....ITNARAGON..., 2003
Textintervention Platform Garanti CAC, Istanbul

Kuckei + Kuckei


Birgir Andrésson, Dieter Roth, Guðný Rósa Ingimarsdóttir, Haraldur Jónsson, Hlynur Hallsson, Hreinn Friðfinnsson, Jóna Hlíf Halldórsdóttir, Jón Laxdal Halldórsson, Karin Sander, Karlotta Blöndal, Knut Eckstein, Kristján Guðmundsson, Lawrence Weiner, Libia Castro / Ólafur Ólafsson, Margrét H. Blöndal, Roni Horn, Sigurður Guðmundsson, Unnar Örn Auðarson

15. Október – 17. Desember 2011
October 15 – December 17, 2011

Opnun / opening reception / Laugardag, 15. Október, kl. 19 - 21


Því er stundum haldið fram að Íslendingar séu bókmenntaþjóð eins og fornsögurnar, Edda og flestar útgefnar bækur á haus gefa til kynna. Útnefning Reykjavíkur sem bókmenntaborg UNESCO nú í sumar undirstrikar þetta. Í ár er Ísland einnig heiðursgestur á bókakaupstefnunni í Frankfurt sem fer fram 12. - 16. október. Textar hafa einnig verið áberandi í myndlist íslenskra myndlistarmanna. Það sama má segja um erlenda myndlistarmenn sem tengjast Íslandi sterkum böndum og hafa verið áhrifavaldar í íslenskri myndlist. Mörg dæmi eru svo aftur um það að íslenskir myndlistarmenn skrifi einnig bækur. Því verður hinsvegar seint haldið fram að Íslendingar séu myndlistarþjóð enda saga íslenskrar myndlistar stutt, en þó hefur íslensk myndlist verið nokkuð áberandi á alþjóðavettvangi undanfarin ár.

Á sýningunni TEXT hafa verið valdir saman 19 íslenskir og erlendir listamenn sem vinna mikið með texta. Þeir fara ólíkar og fjölbreyttar leiðir við notkun á textum í verkum sínum. Stundum er textinn í forgrunni og stundum er dýpra á hann. Stundum er um beinar tilvísanir í bókmenntir að ræða t.d. kemur eini íslenski nóbelsverðlaunahafinn í bókmenntum, Halldór Laxnes, fyrir í verkum tveggja listamanna, þeirra Roni Horn og Kristjáns Guðmundssonar. Í öðrum verkum eru textarnir minna bókmenntalegir eða tengdir bókmenntum. Listamennirnir 19 hafa ólíkan og breiðan bakgrunn og vinna á afar mismunandi hátt, en eiga að minnsta kosti einn þátt sameiginlegan, þau vinna öll með texta. Elsta verkið á sýningunni er frá árinu 1968, en þau nýjustu eru gerð sérstaklega fyrir þessa sýningu.

Listamennirnir sem eiga verk á sýningunni eru: Birgir Andrésson (1955-2007), Dieter Roth (1930-1998), Guðný Rósa Ingimarsdóttir (f. 1969), Haraldur Jónsson (f. 1961), Hlynur Hallsson (f. 1968), Hreinn Friðfinnsson (f. 1943), Jóna Hlíf Halldórsdóttir (f. 1978), Jón Laxdal Halldórsson (f. 1950), Karin Sander (f. 1957), Karlotta Blöndal (f. 1973), Knut Eckstein (f. 1968), Kristján Guðmundsson (f. 1941), Lawrence Weiner (f. 1942), Libia Castro / Ólafur Ólafsson (f. 1970 / f. 1973), Margrét H. Blöndal (f. 1970), Roni Horn (f. 1955), Sigurður Guðmundsson (f. 1942) og Unnar Örn Auðarson (f. 1974).

Sýningarstjóri er Hlynur Hallsson. Sýningin mun halda áfram í öðru formi í Listasafni Íslands í janúar 2012.  Þakkir til eftirtalinna aðila fyrir aðstoð við gerð sýningarinnar: Gallerí i8, Nýlistasafnið og Listasafn Íslands.

Kuckei + Kuckei

Linienstr. 158
D - 10115 Berlin

phone:  +49 (30) 883 43 54
fax:    +49 (30) 886 83 244


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Hlynur Hallsson

Hlynur Hallsson

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